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Genetic Linkage

“Extinction” echoes Jurassic Park, with a Pleistocene epoch backdrop

Multiple spoiler alert! 


In the classic film Jurassic Park (JP), disasters unfurl at a theme park populated with dinosaurs cloned from reptile DNA in mosquitoes fossilized in amber, with modern frog DNA filling in gaps. 


Douglas Preston's new novel Extinction – really De-extinction — riffs on the 1993 Steven Speilberg epic, substituting in genetic material from a half dozen mammals from the Pleistocene, circa 2.58 million to 11,700 years ago. The animals were cloned from DNA in tiny, preserved ear bones, and doctored a bit. 


The resulting animals roam a resort nestled into the remote Colorado Rockies, thanks to biotech company Erebus. At sundown, guests gather at a panoramic window in the lodge's lobby to watch the behemoth herbivores wander to a stream, the mammoths especially beloved. 


But unlike Jurassic Park's out-of-control carnivores, the Ice Age bestiary boasts only mellow vegetarians: Irish elk, giant beavers and ground sloths, glyptodonts (armadillos), and woolly rhinoceri and mammoths. The rhino is about the size of a Trader Joe's! 


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CRISPR to Reveal How “Water Bears” (Tardigrades) Survive Extreme Environments

Tardigrades are among the weirdest of animals.


Also known as "water bears" or "moss piglets," the 1,300 recognized species are the only members of phylum Tardigrada, a term that means "slow stepper" for their somewhat waddling gait. German zoologist Johann August Ephraim Goeze first described the tardigrades in 1773. They live in seas, in fresh water, and on land.


Tardigrades are famous for hiding when environmental conditions turn treacherous, only to emerge years or even decades later unscathed. They survive extremes of dehydration, radiation, and great ranges of temperature and pressure. For example, tardigrades live under almost 6,000 times the pressure of the Earth's atmosphere at sea level. They're called "extremotolerant."


They live pretty much everywhere, from mountain peaks to beneath glaciers and oceans and lakes, under the leaf carpet of forests, along logs and stones. To see them, collect a bit of lichen or moss and soak it overnight, then squeeze it onto a light microscope slide.


We could learn a lot about how tardigrades survive in the extremes. Now a report in PLoS Genetics from researchers at the University of Tokyo describes use of the gene-editing tool CRISPR to better understand the unusual traits of the just-barely-visible tardigrades.


Unusual Anatomy and Physiology Enables Survival


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Can Global Genomic Surveillance Forecast the Next Pandemic?

COVID took the world by stunned surprise – but, to quote an old Who song, we won't be fooled again.


That's thanks to accelerated genome sequencing technologies, expanded laboratory capabilities, and interacting infrastructure on a global level. These factors are converging to enable both identification of novel infectious diseases as well as microbial resistance, before these threats can impact public health, write a team from the European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in Frontiers in Science.


To continue reading, go to DNA Science, where this post first appeared.

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Can Engineered Tobacco Plants that Make Human Sugars Improve Infant Formula and Plant-Based Milks?

In an eclectic application of transgenic technology, researchers at the University of California at Berkeley and Davis describe retooling cells of a tobacco relative to produce enzymes required to synthesize the short sugars (oligosaccharides) found in human milk. The work appears in Nature Food.


Transgenic Technology


Plants have been genetically modified since the 1980s, programmed to produce molecules of use to us. In contrast to the controlled breeding of conventional agriculture, genetic modification inserts or removes specific genes, crafting a plant variant with some use for us.


Plants aren't only genetically modified to create or enhance fruits and veggies, or make them easier to cultivate or protect from pests and pathogens, but also to manufacture the enzymes required to catalyze biochemical reactions behind the synthesis of such ingredients as corn syrup, cornstarch, corn oil, soybean oil, canola oil, and even sugars.


To continue reading, go to DNA Science, where this post first appeared.

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Cave Coronavirus in Wuhan Lab Seeded COVID – The Truth Has Always Been Out There, in the Genetics

When former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci testified before a House Select Subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic on June 3 to share his thoughts about the possible origin of SARS-CoV-2, the idea that sampling from nature and alteration at the Wuhan Institute of Virology returned to the headlines.


For those of us who consider viral genome sequences instead of tea leaves, rumors, and politically expedient explanations, the cave origin-lab leak hypothesis is hardly a surprise – the genetic puzzle pieces have fit for quite some time.


Ruling Out Alternate Explanations Requires Logic and Science


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Will Coffee Plants Survive Climate Change? Genomes Reveal Clues from the Past

I gaze at the ever-changing Starbucks menu, flummoxed.


Should I get a skinny caramel macchiato? A java chip frappucino? Or a plain flat white?


The many variations on the coffee theme might suggest a great diversity among the plants behind the drinks, but actually, about 60 percent of coffee is of the Arabica variety. Starbucks uses these beans exclusively, which are grown in only a few places in the world, where pathogens are scarce and climate favorable. Arabica plants are highly vulnerable to many pests and pathogens due to its low genetic diversity, reflecting a long history of inbreeding in small populations.


Now re-sequencing the Arabica genome reveals that nature gave us the much beloved plant – not selective breeding by ancient farmers. A research team from the University at Buffalo relate the refined family history of Coffea arabica in Nature Genetics. "With an estimated production of 10 million metric tons per year, coffee is one of the most traded commodities in the world," they write. Nestlé Research funded the project.


A Sensor for Climate Change?


To continue reading, go to DNA Science, where this post first appeared.

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