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Genetic Linkage

Why I Yanked "Morlock Nation"

On Thursday, November 10, I briefly posted a blog called “Donald Trump and the New Morlock Nation” on my usual website (not this one). I took the post down after threatening comments were posted and the tone was escalating.

I regret having given up my first amendment rights to bullies. I would rather have had a conversation. The commenters did not understand my point – that our differences taken to extremes and under some pretty unlikely circumstances (plus a very long time) could theoretically lead to a speciation event.

The post dealt with the contribution of heredity to intelligence. I used many disclaimers and never used a judgmental term such as “subspecies,” although I was accused of having done so.

My scenario based on theoretical population genetics had appropriate links to back up my hypothesis – for that is all it was. I meant no harm.

If anyone wishes to contact me through this website, I can send a word document by email, with or without links, of the post. This offer is to promote education.


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