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Genetic Linkage

Did you get a DNA ancestry kit for Father’s Day? Here are some things to consider before spitting in that vial

Ads for DNA testing kits on social media and TV seem to usher in every holiday. The pitches for Father's Day dropped right after Mother's Day:


$50 off at 23andMe, plus free gift wrap! Offer ends June 17.


"Celebrate Dad's Genes" Father's Day Sale with 25 percent off at Family Tree DNA," offer also expiring June 17.


"Give the world's greatest Dad our best DNA experience yet. $40 off!" shouts AncestryDNA. "Now with greater details and new features, Dad can get a richer view of his story and discover what he's made of. Give Dad the Gift of Discovery!"



If my father were alive to open an enticing shiny package and "discover what he's made of" by sending in a spit sample, he'd find that it's not what I am made of. He'd discover that, biologically speaking, he isn't my father at all. But he raised me, so of course he was.


To continue reading, go to Genetic Literacy Project, where this post first appeared.


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